Matrimony ID : MI-1285113
21yrs / 5' 04" (162 cm)
Male, Jain, Jain Baniya, Aka
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
I am currently living in india. I am a smart and dynamic boy who respects his culture very much. I belong to a simple ak...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1203793
22yrs / 5' 07" (170 cm)
Male, Jain, Digambar, Aka
Australia Adelaide, Australia
I am currently living in australia. I am a smart and dynamic boy who respects his culture very much. I belong to a simpl...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1368128
21yrs / 4' 01" (124 cm)
Male, Jain, Bagherwal, Aka
Malaysia Shah Alam, Malaysia
I am a simple boy with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of malaysia and my caste is bagherwal....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1362104
23yrs / 4' 02" (127 cm)
Male, Jain, Other Jain, Aka
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
I am a simple boy with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of india....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1290626
30yrs / Below 4'(120 cm)
Male, Jain, Other Jain, Aka
My Son is a smart and dynamic boy brought up with well nurtured values. He is very humble and currently living in iran....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1257234
25yrs / 5' 04" (162 cm)
Male, Jain, Other Jain, Aka
This profile is of my Son who is simple and good looking. Our mother tongue is aka.He is currently residing in kuwait....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1291852
39yrs / 5' 11" (180 cm)
Male, Jain, Shanghvi, Aka
I am a simple boy with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa and my caste is shanghvi....See Full Profile
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