Matrimony ID : MI-1319425
34yrs / 5' 01" (155 cm)
Female, Other Religion, Other, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple eng...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1285210
28yrs / 5' 04" (162 cm)
Female, Hindu, Brahmin Audichya, Gujarati
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple guj...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1316296
22yrs / 5' 04" (162 cm)
Female, Other Religion, Other, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am a simple girl with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1158862
22yrs / 5' 02" (157 cm)
Female, Christian, Other Christian, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am a simple girl with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1149291
36yrs / 5' 02" (157 cm)
Female, Other Religion, Other, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
Ready for marriage. Very nurturing and loving. Hoping for a hypergamous relationship. I want children and to be well tak...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1183266
55yrs / 5' 08" (172 cm)
Female, Other Religion, Other, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple eng...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1031298
43yrs / 5' 09" (175 cm)
Female, Muslim, other, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am Currently Living in Usa But have Traveled and Lived Abroad. I am a Smart and Dynamic Girl Who Respects Her Culture...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1395703
24yrs / 5' 01" (155 cm)
Female, Hindu, Kshatriya, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple eng...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1329905
28yrs / 5' 03" (160 cm)
Female, Sikh, Jatt, Punjabi
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am a simple girl with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa and my caste is jatt....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1277745
32yrs / 5' 03" (160 cm)
Female, Hindu, Ezhava, Malayalam
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple mal...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1168407
22yrs / 5' 09" (175 cm)
Female, Sikh, Jatt, Punjabi
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple pun...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1093649
34yrs / 5' 02" (157 cm)
Female, Christian, Methodist, English
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple eng...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1397636
34yrs / 5' 05" (165 cm)
Female, Sikh, Jatt, Punjabi
USA Indianapolis, USA
This profile is of my Sister who is simple and good looking. Our mother tongue is punjabi and caste is jatt.She is curr...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1343294
29yrs / 5' 09" (175 cm)
Female, Hindu, Naidu, Telugu
USA Indianapolis, USA
This profile is of my Sister who is simple and good looking. Our mother tongue is telugu and caste is naidu.She is curr...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1222588
27yrs / 5' 03" (160 cm)
Female, Hindu, Reddy, Telugu
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am a simple girl with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa and my caste is reddy....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1375301
46yrs / 5' 06" (167 cm)
Female, Hindu, Brahmin Gaud Saraswat, Marathi
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple mar...See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1233519
38yrs / 5' 03" (160 cm)
Female, Sikh, Other Sikh, Punjabi
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am a simple girl with a good personality. I reside in a beautiful city of usa....See Full Profile
Matrimony ID : MI-1264232
38yrs / 4' 06" (137 cm)
Female, Muslim, Other Muslim, Arabic
USA Indianapolis, USA
I am currently living in usa. I am a smart and dynamic girl who respects her culture very much. I belong to a simple ara...See Full Profile
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